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​“For where two or three are gathered in my  name, I am there among them.”

-- Matt. 18:20, NRSV

​​We often wonder: What does it mean to be a church in this time of social change and fragmentation? How do we cope with technology that robs us of our time and attention? How do we meet the most critical needs of people in our communities, especially the needs for social and spiritual connection?


We particularly want to reach people who are lonely, isolated and long for connection – people who need friends, seek a deeper spiritual life or simply need a good belly laugh or a hug.


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We are in the process of changing how we think of church, do church, reimagine church. We would love to have you join us on this journey of growth and change.


One way is to get involved with our book study groups, social circles, hospitality and care teams. Or you may want to connect with us through our social events.   

Reimagining Faith
A Book Series

John Wesley once said: "Reading Christians are growing Christians. When Christians cease to read, they cease to grow." We wholeheartedly agree.


We encourage you to visit our Reimagining Faith book study series – a place where you can ask tough questions, explore your beliefs and find your way to wholeness through group discussions, study and prayer.


Books recently studied: Universal Christ, by Richard Rohr; The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith, by Marcus Borg; Hope and Other Superpowers, by John Pavlovitz; Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, by Marcus Borg.


Meets: Every Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Location: First UMC meeting room

Social Circles

Our social circles are organized around sports, crafts, games and food … and of course, fun!


Biking: For those who enjoy mountain

biking or a casual bike ride


Greeting Cards: Make your own

greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries,

holidays and more


Scrabble: For all of you “wordies” who enjoy the challenge of word games

Dine Out Groups: Join one of our Dine Out Groups for a fun night of food and friendship


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Time/Location: Please contact the church for more information about time and locations.

First UMC Ambassadors

If you have a gift for hospitality, this team is for you. Our Ambassadors are dedicated to identifying new people visiting our church. They can give newcomers a quick orientation of all the church has to offer and answer their questions.


If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, please contact the church office: 970.565.3002

Care Team

Our Care Team visits our homebound members, those in assisted living and in our nursing homes and hospitals. For more information, please contact the church office: 970.565.3002.

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