Join FUMC Sunday at 10am, Native Grace at 2:00pm
First United Methodist Church of Cortez
Native Grace Intertribal Fellowship
All Are Welcome Here
We are a church who values diversity. We welcome people of every race, ethnicity and country of origin. We honor gender identity, marital status and sexual orientation. We are a church comprised of people from all walks of life.
First UMC Sunday Worship: 10am Native Grace Sunday Worship: 2pm
Church/restroom are handicap accessible; we provide hearing assistance
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United Methodists believe the table is open to all People. We believe that all who desire to draw closer to God are welcome to partake in the sacrament of communion.
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First UMC Office Hours
Mon-Wed: 9 am - 1 pm;
Thurs: 9 am - 11 am
Phone: 970-565-3002
Our Local Partners
St Barnabas Episcopal Parish